Jim Gilchrist, the President and Founder of the Minuteman Project, said the Hijackers are terrorists,liars, disrupting, destroying, seizing, and plunders.This is what all Minuteman is about? Stealing, lying, destroying people lifes,($)taking their Money from our Citizens and Living la Vida Loca.
The Honorable Randell L. Wilkinson handed down a concise and thorough decision on June 6th against Marvin Stewart, Deborah Ann Peterson, (alias Deborah Ann Courtney), Barbara Coe and Scott Powelson (also known as the hijackers).
The judge ruled the following:
Scott Powelson’s motion for a prejudicial dismissal – Motion denied.
Minuteman Project and its president, Jim Gilchrist, won.
Scott Powelson’s motion to release bond money, put up by the MMP, to opposing counsel for the benefit of the hijackers - Motion denied.
Minuteman Project and its president, Jim Gilchrist, won.
The hijacker’s motion to send the Minuteman Project into receivership – Motion denied.
Minuteman Project and its president, Jim Gilchrist, won.
The hijacker’s motion to receive the remaining funds in the Minuteman Project corporate account, which Jim Gilchrist ordered the bank to freeze when he discovered actions by the hijackers that appeared to be bank fraud. – Motion denied.
Minuteman Project and its president, Jim Gilchrist, won.
The hijacker’s motion to release bond money for the benefit of the hijackers – Motion denied.
Minuteman Project and its president, Jim Gilchrist, won.
Stewart, Peterson and Coe motion for joinder - Motion denied.
Minuteman Project and its president, Jim Gilchrist, won.
The court viewed the actions of the hijackers as frivolous, untimely, and without merits.
Minuteman Project and its president, Jim Gilchrist, won.
The Superior Court transcript of this hearing will be available by free download within the next few days.
Watch for the hijackers next desperate tricks:
1. The hijackers will continue to fraudulently claim that they are the Minuteman Project.
2. The hijackers will claim that they have been damaged and will troll for a sympathetic audience.
3. The hijackers will probably claim fraud and a number of other spurious claims against Jim Gilchrist and his staff of consultants.
4. The hijackers will try to make this a media event to continue their charade of distortions in a desperate attempt to gain public sympathy.
5. The hijackers will try to fraudulently raise money in the name of the Minuteman Project. Fraudulent use of the Minuteman Project identity appears to be one of their primary motives for attempting to hijack Jim’s Minuteman Project …an attempt that was defeated, albeit not without much damage inflicted upon the MMP and the minuteman/woman movement nationally.
6. The hijackers will try to recruit other organizations to build their sympathy base, and in the opinion of the Minuteman Project, to use as their next victim for attempted seizure.
The hijackers will do nothing to save America, but will relentlessly waste their resources trying to destroy the only man who stood up to Congress and brought national awareness to the illegal alien invasion crisis! Whose payroll are these unscrupulous hijackers on? All of their actions are designed to stall the tireless work of immigration law enforcement advocacy groups across the nation. They have already created at least one fraudulent Minuteman Project web site using both Jim’s appearance and his MMP logos to deceive the public in an apparent effort to simultaneously draw financial donations and destroy the reputation of Jim, the Minuteman Project, and the Project’s participants.
This is what terrorists do….lie, disrupt, destroy, seize, and plunder.
Whose side are you on? Me Neither way. I stay away from polluted and Negative, disrupters liars.
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