Deserves to be hear his point of view and I agree that many undocumented Immigrants have being assimilated to this Country rather than being labeled unfairly as they are Criminals, sex offenders, just for a few people. Can we all work together to a comprehensive solution on Immigration? The current Immigration system is broken and obsolete.
I am already enjoying a de facto amnesty.
I am living, working and doing pretty much what I want inside the US, with the exception of leaving the country to visit my family.
Unless Americans create some kind of nationally issued ID card, thing they seem extraordinarily averse to doing, I can keep doing exactly what I am doing indefinitely.
I have lived in the US for 8 years, and have roots in the community.
I never got as much as a parking ticket from the police. I do community work and keep a low profile. As the overwhelming majority of undocumented workers, my hard work and work ethics made the beloved of my company, my superiors and coworkers, my neighbors, etc.The only thing holding me back from further involvement with my community is the Damocles sword of having to one day pack my things and leave.
I pay a lot of taxes.
Last year I paid 30,000 of income tax alone. As everybody else, including undocumented people, I pay Federal and State VAT. As the majority of undocumented immigrants, I contribute so Social Security but never asked or received SS assistance. It is fair to assume that my work and taxes are supporting the welfare of up to 3 Americans.I never as much as stepped into a public hospital, for fear of being asked about my citizenship status as a condition to receiving attention, as law mandates.And then I have to listen to the likes of Lou Dobbs saying that undocumented workers are a net drain to taxpayers …
I speak English better than most Americans
I frankly don’t understand why this seems to be an issue for a large number of Americans, but in any case, I have a command of this language superior to the average Bubba.
And my daughter even has that unbearable, nasal California twang, which I am working on correcting.
Current law doesn’t give me any avenue to regularize my situation
Once you become “out of status” under current law, your only option is pack your things and leave. It is not that I deliberately flaunt the laws of this country or mischievously cut corners while having had other, more difficult legal avenues at my disposal. I had no means whatsoever to be here legally, or to correct my situation over time.
I am not taking away any native American’s job
I am a computer programmer. The US economy simply cannot hire enough native programmers and imports them at a frantic pace.It is false to assume that, if I and people like I suddenly disappeared, native programmers would start making double or triple salaries. Rather, software products would probably be outpriced by foreign competitors and built elsewhere.I think it is fair to apply the same argument to other sectors of the economy, from landscaping to construction.As it happens, I spend 85% of what I earn inside the US, generating a multiplying effect that is good for the country’s economy and creating new jobs, most of which are fulfilled by Americans.
Amnesty is lawful, and the right thing to do.
I am sick of the “what part of illegal you don’t understand” and “we are a nation of laws” mantras.This country is great not because of a blind obedience of the letter of the law, but because of a conception of the legal system in which common-sense enforcement and social custom have as much or more weight than legislation itself. In other words, the USA has a “consuetudinary” legal system.For decades (including, incidentally, the time by which I became undocumented) immigration law simply wasn’t seriously enforced because it was perceived by most Americans as a set of bloated and artificial restrictions which everyone stood to benefit by ignoring. Amnesty is the only logical thing to do when the offenders count by the millions (and believe me, there are many more than 12 million undocumented people in the USA).If anything, amnesty would strengthen the rule of law by bringing that many people into the system.
If not granted some sort of reprieve, I will go underground.
Going back to my home country is out of the question. If Americans don’t grow the political guts to deal with this problem in a comprehensive way at a national level, and this demagogic flurry of hodgepodge state and municipal anti-immigrant laws continues to harass me and my family, I will simply move further into the shadows. If that happens, I will have much less incentive to pay taxes, pay drivers insurance, avoid abusing the health and school system, be a good citizen, etc.
Just try me.
It's no fun Being an undocumented person in the United States.
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