Imposters fraudulently drained the Minuteman Project corporate bank accounts.
This actions violate the Minuteman Policies and make them criminals why they are not been prosecuted Mr. Jim Gilchrist?.
The real victims here are three hundred million American citizens who have had their nation’s security and sovereignty put on hold on Minuteman Project.
What A fiasco for the Minuteman Project who claimed to be a patriotics, loyal, and leaders for they believers but I just found out that are a few Criminals, Liars, Thieves, fugitives, and breaking the Law. See for yourselves.
Minuteman Project lawyers stopped a town hall meeting sponsored by Minuteman Project imposter Marvin Stewart scheduled for a Compton, Ca. College August 11.
The use of college facilities by Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project for a public forum was part of a legal settlement between the Minuteman Project and the college.
Compton College officials were under the impression that they were settling the law suit with the President and Founder of the Minuteman Project, Inc., Jim Gilchrist. The college was shocked to learn that they had been misled by Marvin Stewart into believing that he was the President of Gilchrist’s organization in what appears to be a scheme to cash in on a law suit settlement earmarked for the Minuteman Project.
Many good-hearted Minutemen and women claim they were sickened several weeks earlier when they read the deceptive boastings of Marvin Stewart portraying himself as “the President of the Minuteman Project, Inc.” on flyers broadcast over the internet by Barbara Coe’s California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR), a group closely affiliated with Marvin Stewart.
“Coe and Stewart set themselves up for a claim of fraud and misrepresentation that allowed MMP attorneys to stop their delusional actions,” Gilchrist commented from his home in Aliso Viejo, Ca.
“Coe provided the imposters full access to her membership mailing list and other CCIR assets to broadcast announcements of the bogus August 11 town hall meeting at Compton College, which included about 20 local bureaucrats and political candidates, all of whom were also misled by Marvin Stewart,” Gilchrist said.
The forum was to address U.S. immigration policies and consequences.
Recently, for a second time since February, Marvin Stewart filed fraudulent documents with the state of Delaware, illegally claiming that he is the president of Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project.
In the past Stewart has filed fake documents with Delaware claiming that he, Deborah Courtney, and Barbara Coe, are ‘his’ board of directors of the Minuteman Project, Inc. These fraudulent documents have been used to steal Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project bank accounts, ownership rights to property, and web sites. Gilchrist has since gotten back ownership of these bank accounts, web sites and property, but not before sustaining significant theft and damage.
MMP attorneys in Delaware quickly caught the most recent corporate identity theft and notified MMP counsel in California.
The MMP, under the direction of Jim Gilchrist, launched a lawsuit against Compton College last January for suppression of free speech against the MMP after the college arbitrarily refused to allow the organization to use its auditorium to present a public forum on immigration.
On January 9, 2007, as Gilchrist was preparing the law suit with legal counsel, Marvin Stewart demanded that Gilchrist include him in the law suit as an individual plaintiff, apparently so that he could claim his own financial prize separate from the Minuteman Project. Gilchrist signed the law firm’s engagement letter and his organization paid the initial $750 retainer fee.
Apparently, thereafter Marvin Stewart and attorneys Richard Ackerman and Michael Sands, of the Temecula, Ca. law firm of Ackerman, Cowles and Lindsley, secretly held backroom meetings without the knowledge of the Minuteman Project, Gilchrist claimed.
”The law firm apparently pretended to represent the real Minuteman Project,” Gilchrist said, “ but all the while covertly representing the fraudulent Marvin Stewart”.
“With the masterful use of fake corporate documents Marvin Stewart, Deborah Courtney and Barbara Coe apparently persuaded the attorneys that Jim Gilchrist was an embezzler and thief and that Marvin and “his” board had to forcefully remove Jim Gilchrist from the organization he had created,” said Stephen Eichler, a consultant for the organization.
“As part of the apparent ruse, the trio apparently insisted that all of these claims of criminal activity about Gilchrist and his wife must remain secret ‘to protect the movement’,” Eichler added.
“This is the most despicable act of character assassination and corporate identity theft I have ever seen in my life,” Eichler said. “And I will see to it that law enforcement follows through with criminal indictments against these “hijackers” as soon as we are finished with the civil proceedings.”
“Meanwhile”, Eichler continued, “the imposters fraudulently drained the Minuteman Project corporate bank accounts last February in what seems to be part of a well-planned fraud perpetrated against Washington Mutual Bank in Aliso Viejo, Ca.”
Ironically, on several occasions during the ruse Barbara Coe was quoted to say to attorney Richard Ackerman and C.C.I.R. members that she “loved Jim and wanted to protect him”, according to former CCIR members, who have recently quit that group over her involvement with what Gilchrist refers to as “hijackers”.
Ackerman foolishly believed everything he was told by the imposters and accepted the fake corporate documents as valid, without so much as a phone call to Jim Gilchrist to follow up on the validity of Marvin Stewart’s apparent charade, according to Gilchrist.
When Compton College learned of the fraud being perpetrated against it by the imposters the college immediately cooperated with legal counsel of Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project and cancelled the venue for the town hall meeting.
Upon discovery of the apparent fraud, Gilchrist promptly “fired” Ackerman’s law firm and warned the firm not to attempt to represent the Minuteman Project, Inc. in any way.
Gilchrist also notified Dick Ackerman and Mike Sands that he has filed official complaints with the California Bar Association demanding an investigation of each of them.
“Bar complaints carry stiff penalties, including disbarment from the practice of law,” Gilchrist said. On August 17 Gilchrist instructed MMP counsel to immediately commence malpractice suits against Ackerman and Sands.
The settlement to be paid by Compton College to Gilchrist’s organization is tentatively $9,000 cash, plus security protection and a public meeting forum. The estimated value of the settlement is over $24,000.00 in cash and benefits.
Stewart, Courtney, and any other persons they illegally named to their fictitious board of directors apparently were to share in this cash bonanza, with perhaps Marvin Stewart probably taking the bulk of it. Also, Ackerman’s law firm would be paid for their “so-called” legal services to Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project, according to Steve Eichler.
“Could there be a conspiratorial financial scheme behind Marvin Stewart’s latest attempt to steal the identity of the Minuteman Project?,” asked Gilchrist, who has been the sole director of the Minuteman Project since he founded it on October 1, 2004.
Gilchrist said he is taking decisive legal action to protect the loyal trust that so many Americans have placed in him. “I am filing another criminal complaint against Marvin Stewart this morning,” Gilchrist said. “This is the fourth criminal complaint I have filed against him in the past six months. They are piling up and eventually Stewart will have his day in criminal court, just like his fellow hijacker, Paul Sielski.”
One of the hijackers, Paul Sielski, the boy friend of minuteman imposter Deborah Courtney, was arrested on March 21 by the Fugitive Task Force of the Orange County Sheriff’s Dept. after it was learned that he was a fugitive from Maryland. He is currently being held without bail by Maryland State Police awaiting prosecution for crimes allegedly committed there. He faces a 20-year prison sentence.
“Also, Stewart has been reported several times to the Department of Veterans Affairs, where he works and possibly has access to sensitive identity information for tens of millions of U.S. military veterans”, Gilchrist added. “He is a government employee and he should know better than to masquerade in the identity of others, especially in an era of terrorism and rampant identity theft.”
“I encourage everyone to call the Orange County District Attorney’s office in Santa Ana, Ca. and leave a message for prosecutor Elizabeth Henderson to bring forward criminal indictments against the unscrupulous persons who have repeatedly tried to pirate the Minuteman Project, Inc. for their own selfish delusions of monetary gain,” Gilchrist said.
“But, the only thing their charades have accomplished is a national disruption in the minuteman movement. The real victims here are three hundred million American citizens who have had their nation’s security and sovereignty put on hold while the Minuteman Project deals with a gang of 21st century Benedict Arnold’s and identity thieves,” Gilchrist concluded.
Couldn't happen to a "nicer" group.
Bullies and thieves go hand in hand. This very good news, imo.
In response to the plethora of lies that have been blogged at this site we will see how Jim, Steve, Sandy and others respond in court this time. The last time while we were in the Orange County Court in Case No. 07CC03134 when the evidence was presented, they all cried uncle and had the case dismissed out of Court.
This time in the Orange County Superior Court Case No. 07CC07184, Jim, Steve, Sandy, Tim, and Tommy will be held to answer there will not be any dismissing of this case. They are all liars and thieves.
In addition the Board of Directors terminated Jim Gilchrist and others on January 26, 2007.
Thanks for the update Anonymous and I will appreciate your give me a date for your next appeareance on Court to verify myself who's lying to all Citizens that believe in a cause and have being used for others personal privileges.
I would invite you to discuss the veracity of any of the cases of my plethora I posted versus your xenophobics, and pathetic comments. Let's bring a solution to the table do not be foolished by your own eyes.We all are human beings. True hurts sometimes.Zasssssssssssssss
Deborah Courtney & Paul Sielski have VICTORY in court over Gilchrist's sidekick Stephen Eichler.
Contact:Marvin L. Stewart
(562) 221-1820
Daniel F. Lula, Esq.
(949) 851-1100
Frivolous Defamation Suit Filed by Steven Eichler Against Patriots Deborah Courtney and Paul Sielski Stricken; Orange County Superior Court Finds Their Special Motion “Meritorious”
Santa Ana, Calif. – July 24, 2008 – The Orange County Superior Court today struck Steven Eichler’s defamation suit against Minutemen Deborah Courtney and Paul Sielski as a “strategic lawsuit against public participation.” Judge Kirk Nakamura permitted ample oral argument by both sides, and then granted the defendants’ motion, putting an end to Eichler’s frivolous suit against them.
Deborah Courtney is a member of the board of directors of Minuteman Project, Inc. and serves as the corporation’s treasurer. Paul Sielski is executive director of the corporation. Both have been embroiled in a dispute with Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist regarding alleged financial irregularities within this high-profile nonprofit corporation.
On April 25, 2008, Gilchrist’s associate Eichler filed this defamation suit against Courtney and Sielski, as well as fellow patriots Barbara Coe, Chelene Nightingale of Save Our State, Brook Young of Immigration Watchdog, and Marvin Stewart of the Minuteman Project. Eichler claimed that the defendants had somehow “defamed” him by speaking out about his role in Gilchrist’s actions – especially Gilchrist’s transfer of the assets of the Minuteman Project corporation to a new corporation titled, “Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project,” without board knowledge or approval.
Under the relevant law, defendants Courtney and Sielski are entitled to an award of the attorneys’ fees and costs they incurred in defending themselves against Eichler’s meritless suit.
The other defendants remain in the case; however, it is anticipated that most if not all will shortly file similar motions to strike. These defendants, too, expect to win and to be awarded their fees and costs.
The vindictive and retributive behavior against fellow patriots by Gilchrist and Eichler is deeply disturbing to many in the anti-illegal immigration movement. Today’s ruling should be heeded by them as a warning to engage others on the issues, not attempt to use litigation to squelch freedom and dissent.
The Minuteman Project was founded in early 2005 to secure America’s borders by means of civilian volunteer observers. Incorporated in mid-2005 as a Delaware nonprofit corporation, the Minuteman Project is governed by a board of directors under applicable law.
MMP IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE Gilchrist Camp Looses 2nd Case in 1 week to Deborah Courtney & Paul Sielski in Gilchrist v Stewart
Contact:Marvin L. Stewart
(562) 221-1820
Daniel F. Lula, Esq.
(949) 851-1100
Second Frivolous Defamation Suit Against Patriots Deborah Courtney, Marvin Stewart and Paul Sielski Stricken; Jim Gilchrist’s Suit Follows the Same Path As That Of His Associate Stephen Eichler
Santa Ana, Calif. – July 29, 2008 – Judge Randell Wilkinson of the Orange County Superior Court today struck Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist’s defamation suit against Minutemen Deborah Courtney, Marvin Stewart and Paul Sielski as a “strategic lawsuit against public participation.” Gilchrist’s suit against Barbara Coe, head of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, was also stricken on the same basis.
Marvin Stewart and Deborah Courtney are members of the board of directors of Minuteman Project, Inc., and Paul Sielski is executive director of the corporation. Both have been embroiled in a dispute with Gilchrist regarding alleged financial irregularities within this high-profile nonprofit corporation.
On April 16, 2008, Gilchrist filed his defamation suit against these patriots, as well as Chelene Nightingale of Save Our State and Brook Young of Immigration Watchdog. Gilchrist claimed that the defendants had “defamed” him by speaking out about his transfer of the assets of the Minuteman Project corporation to a new corporation titled, “Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project,” without board knowledge or approval.
Under the relevant law, defendants Stewart, Courtney and Sielski are entitled to an award of the attorneys’ fees and costs they incurred in defending themselves against Gilchrist’s meritless suit. Gilchrist has already been ordered by the Court to reimburse Ms. Coe over $9,100 in attorneys’ fees.
Gilchrist’s frivolous suit against fellow anti-illegal immigration activists is the second in less than a week to be dismissed. Last week, Gilchrist’s associate, Stephen Eichler, suffered the same ruling from Judge Kirk Nakamura. Eichler had filed a virtually identical defamation suit against the same defendants.
The vindictive and retributive behavior against fellow patriots by Gilchrist and Eichler is deeply disturbing to many in the anti-illegal immigration movement. Today’s ruling should be heeded by them as a warning to engage others on the issues, not attempt to use litigation to squelch freedom and dissent.
The Minuteman Project was founded in early 2005 to secure America’s borders by means of civilian volunteer observers. Incorporated in mid-2005 as a Delaware nonprofit corporation, the Minuteman Project is governed by a board of directors under applicable law.
Chelene Nightingale for governor 2010 part of this hijacker group (coe) who tried to take money from an at it again with her fake run for governor. She is begging all over the internet for money for her bogus campaign. This is a woman that filed for bankruptcy and foreclosure (docs online) this is one sick and criminal individual.
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