Arkansas Pedophile Sanctuary State. Outrageous Big Mistake in Arkansas law allows marriage at any age with parental consent. And The Legislature is not scheduled to meet again until January — of 2009. What a shame for Lawmakers of Arkansas. I am glad that I am not living there to allow some pathetic pedophile get married with my daughter or son at their earliest age. Somebody must put their act together before is too late.
Hey, baby — will you marry me?
Mistake in Arkansas law allows marriage at any age with parental consent.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Thanks to one little misplaced word, it appears that people of any age can legally be married in Arkansas, with parental consent.
Lawmakers say a law passed this year would even allow infants to be married if their parents agree. And that may force the governor to call a special session to fix the mistake.
The bill's sponsor says the legislation was intended to establish 18 as the minimum age to marry — but also let pregnant teenagers marry with parental consent.
An extraneous "not" in the bill, however, allows anyone who is not pregnant to marry at any age if the parents allow it.
A commission that fixes typographical and technical errors in laws had tried to correct the mistake, but a group of legislators argued that the commission went beyond its powers.
The Legislature is not scheduled to meet again until January — of 2009.
Some have eyes but cannot see,"
"Some have tongues but cannot speak the truth.
They have ears but can't hear.
That's where the problem is."
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