Saturday, October 20, 2007

What Glenn Beck need to know.

Did you remember how outcried and furious were the Anti Immigrants, Xenophobics, Racists, Bigotries, Arrogants, Extremists when The president of Mexico Felipe Calderon said:
Where is a Mexican, Mexico is there.

Well base on my researched notes I found out how ignorants, Pathetics, Xenophobics and Racist were to inflated, missinterpreted faults of intellectual information before they spewed hypothetical and pathetic statements.

read and assimilated before is too late. I hope people at least apologize to Mexicans and The President of Mexico Felipe Calderon for being ignorants and pathetics.

American Citizens Services supports the work of our overseas embassies and consulates in providing emergency services to Americans in cases of arrest, death, crime victimization, repatriation, medical evacuation, temporary financial assistance and welfare-and-whereabouts cases.
In other words, American Citizens Services is here to assist you and your family whenever and wherever we can

Please, translate this to ignorants, Extremist and Racist that where is an American' United States is there. it's not the same statement???.

The Office of American Citizens Services and Crisis Management (ACS) exists to serve Americans traveling or residing abroad। Our primary goal is to meet the needs of American citizens while providing them with premier customer service.

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