Saturday, February 28, 2009

The consecuences of the Anti Immigrant sentiment.

Two Chilean students were killed and three others wounded when a man broke into a reunion in Pensacola (USA) and shot with a rifle attendees. Los jóvenes participaban en un programa de trabajo e intercambio estudiantil. Young people participating in a work program and student exchange.

The deceased are Nicolás Pablo Corp, for 22 years, and Racine Balbontín Argandoña 23. Los dos eran oriundos de Valparaíso (a 120 kilómetros de Santiago de Chile). Both were from Valparaíso (120 km from Santiago de Chile). Habían llegado a EE UU en diciembre, para una estancia de cuatro meses. Had come to the U.S. in December for a stay of four months. "Celebraban que les quedaba poco tiempo para volver a casa", explicó en declaraciones a este diario Rodrigo Balbontín, amigo de una de las víctimas. "Held that they had little time to go home," he said in remarks to this newspaper Balbontín Rodrigo, a friend of one of the victims. El cónsul chileno en Miami, Jorge Valdés, informó que uno de los heridos está en estado crítico. The Chilean consul in Miami, Jorge Valdes, reported that one of the wounded is in critical condition.

El presunto responsable es Dannie Baker, de 60 años, quien ha sido identificado por sus vecinos como "un racista", además de que había enviado correos electrónicos con amenazas a políticos demócratas, según informaron medios locales. The suspect is Dannie Baker, 60, who was identified by neighbors as a "racist", and had sent emails with threats to democratic politics, local media reported.

Un portavoz del Gobierno chileno se refirió a los hechos como "un crimen macabro" que significa "una tragedia lamentable y brutal". A Chilean government spokesman described the events as "a macabre crime" which means "an unfortunate tragedy and brutal."


Anonymous said...

will the USA government punish the responsible for the killings or will it be just another shooting we forget about?

Defensores de Democracia said...

Thanks for the information and your fight for Human Dignity.

This is a very sad occurrence and all efforts should be made to avoid these unhappy events in the Future.

I am trying to profile the Criminal Mind for Racial Murder, Homophobic Murder and in General for Hate Crime. Contrary to many people I believe in the strong need for "Hate Crime" legislation in all Nations.

This man Dannie Roy Baker seemed extremely perturbed and mad. And perhaps the current wave of Hate TV and Hate Radio was a big motivator to his criminality.

Here are my studies and reports on Racial Murder :

Vicente Duque