Friday, April 04, 2008

Hot Topics on His Panic Blogs.
Working together for a common cause: American Dream and Justice for all.

Damn Mexicans exposed the contributions of Undocumented Immigrants and the unfair and balanced news from Lou Dobbs at CNN.

American Humanity why we must seek out a compassionate solutions to the Immigration problem rather let undocumented Immigrants died anonymously.

Citizen Orange exposed the American Life: The Widow Penalty.

Latino Politico discussed his reactionaty posture as a Mexican American against the Nativism movement and refocusing the Immigration debate.

The dream act Texas exposing a map were it was the Mexican Territory before was invaded by U.S. in 1848.

Latina Lista exposing how federal Immigration tears apart families.

Migra Matters exposed the ironic twist of logic so glaring that only the Bush administration would be unable to recognize its cognitive dissonance. When you don't like it the Law...Ignore it.

Immigration Prof Blog exposing Seton Hall Law School's Center for Social Justice filed a great lawsuit for civil damages today against ICE .

Immigration Orange exposing the Impact of the current raids on childrens. Judge for yourself. Where are those American Values?

Vivir Latino exposing the difficulties of the life in the shadows.

Immigrant Daily exposed Politics of fear.

Latino Pundit exposing things White people like and love to have.

Immigration Voice exposing the Green cards delay. The issue of Immigration Voice, in a nutshell.

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