Can you believe this? Well, of course you can. After all, it's the strange and sour marriage between Medicare and phony equipment suppliers.
Medicare shut down more than 200 medical equipment companies last year. Why? Because they either were operating out of their hats, with no actual business addresses, or because they had been implicated in fraud or even indicted for fraud.
Now, get this: Advance your clock to 2008. Medicare allowed 90 percent of these fake companies to go back into business because of "flawed appeals processes." Great balls of fire! If a private enterprise operated that way, it would be out of business within two days. And the merry-go-round continues, because after allowing these scam artists to go back to their scams, Medicare decided to shut them down again. And meanwhile, a number of them had the opportunity to send out spurious bills again.
The sad but undeniable evidence is that federal agents visited, unannounced, some 1,581 Medicare suppliers in South Florida. Of that number, a solid one-third — 491 to be exact — had no business operation or just weren't open because they had no employees. Nice deal, isn't it? So Medicare revoked their billing privileges again, but so what since about half of them appealed, and based on nothing but an invalidated appeal, Medicare reinstated just about all the ones who appealed. An Inspector General's report is unsurprising: Medicare's hearing officers applied "no criteria" for accepting anything offered as evidence. An electric bill or a simple statement would do it.
One lawyer — Miami-Dade not Broward, thank goodness — represented fifteen so-called Medicare providers. Seem familiar? The whole charade has been a comedy of errors.
Comedy, all right, but when these counterfeit claims hit us taxpayers in the pocketbook it isn't funny.
Every now and then, the law actually clamps down on a couple of flimflams. One of them was ordered to pay $11 million in restitution. That's a hefty amount and it gives us an inkling of the number of dollars Medicare fraud represents.
Here we are, about to enter 2009. Medicare costs are about to increase again, and anyone who deludes himself or herself that fraudulent claims (yes, by people on Medicare, too) aren't partly responsible has been living on Mars.
We should be outraged that our public servants are so casual in accepting non-evidence as evidence. But every one of us is so used to "business as usual," we've long since substituted acceptance for outrage.
The phrase, "your tax dollars at work," never has been as derogatory and uncomplimentary as it is today. Will a new administration actually do something about these suppliers who treat Medicare officials as suckers? Will exposure such as this make any difference?
Don't count on it because corruption are at the tip of the Iceberg and of course the people without Voice and Political support are always being blame for it.
These are the comments from the Nativist and Anti Immigrants Jim Gilchrist and Jerome Corsi:
The large numbers of illegal immigrants already living in the country have put an enormous fiscal strain on government-funded social service programs because many of the illegal immigrants who arrive here are impoverished and undereducated. They are then forced to supplement their low-paying incomes with social welfare benefits, including those fraudulently obtained, to make ends meet. Moreover, the willingness of these illegal immigrants to commit fraud—both tax fraud and social service fraud—compounds the problem, as they work the system to get the maximum benefit from government-funded social services….
Why we as American citizens do not speak out loudly enough against these generous Social fraudulently beneficiaries(Hospital CEO's, CFO's, Doctors, and the list goes on and on) on behalf of U.S. Taxpayers?.
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